Sunday, 6 February 2011

Hello everyone just popping in to say Hi

It seems such a long time since I updated my blog  ~ but just wanted to update the things going on here ~


Lyn picked up s cold and a Virus which has laid her really low ~ it is now nearly three weeks and she has to wait for another blood test before he (The Doctor)  can determine  how to best treat her ~


I picked up the cold but am lots better now ~




I often tell you about Nin and Barney ~ Barney has a new trick up his (I was going to say sleeve:O)  but I guess it should be fur Leg paw ???


We have a cupboard  next to the Kitchen where we keep books ~ DVD’s and lots of other odds and ends a couple of Vacuum cleaners ~ but mostly this is where we keep the dog Biscuits and doggie treats ~ well Barney has learnt if the climbs up on to one of the cleaners he can reach the biscuits so helps himself ~ and he looks very pleased with himself ~ we wondered why his tummy was expanding ~ and he goes to the Vet next week for his injections ~ and the Vet is always Stern with us about Barneys weight ~ as his legs are very long and he must not be overweight ~ so Hard Luck Barney the door is now permanently closed  ~ It was just by chance we noticed what he was up to :O) ~

Bar_Ninny_001 Barney laying outside the Cupboard ~ this is an old picture

Barney is never at a loss on how to get extra food ~ even taking biscuits out of Williams hand ~


Last Sunday a week ago tomorrow we were cooking Sunday Lunch and I sat happily watching the Yorkshire Puddings rising but all of a sudden the lights in the oven went off and the oven no longer worked ~ although the Hob was OK so we had to go without the Yorkshires and I made some little suet dumplings  instead


A Chap who lives in a nearby Village came in during the week and fixed it for us :


Hope you all have a good week ahead of you
