Well how do I start ~ It feels like the first day of starting at a new school ~ new things to learn ~ I do hope my friends will be joining me here ~ and any advice will be gratefully accepted ~ the picture is of Nin who made himself comfortable in a Bathrobe hanging from the radiator :o) Ally x
I found you Ally and hope to continue our online friendship. Paula
Hi Ally-I'm over here too
Here's my addy
Boy this sure is different.Gonna take some getting used to.
I'm here...will be back.
cute pic!
Hi Ally, hope you'll be happy in your new home.
I'm almost there with my new place too.
B. x
Hello! So glad to see you got all set up on your new journal ! We are all learning lots.
'On Ya' - ma
Thanks for the link. I will continue to read your journal. Loved the picture of Nin.
Im so happy you are here too! It won't be so bad once everyone is accounted for will it? Good Pictures today. I always love to see pictures, always seems like we know each other better with pictures doesn't it
Hi Ally,
I`m glad you`ve joined us in our new home it wouldn`t be the same without all our JLand friends. At least now we can all keep up with each others lives. :o0
Love Sandra xxxxx
I'm here too Ally!!!!
Found you!!! Hello Ally - Im eventually finding everyone!! Ive got my new blog too - sent you an email but here is my link.
gotcha :)
Hi Ally,
I'm joinin here also. Have my blog up and sort of running. I think the link is in the follower's section of your blog. I need lots of help also. xx
Cute picture of Nin Ally! As you probably know I moved over here some time ago. I'm now very glad that I did, although I am scrambling to try to save what I wrote on AOL so it's not lost forever! I think you will come to like this better once you get used to it!
Hi Ally, glad you made the trip over here hope you are well and will be happy here. LOve Joan.
Love the picture of Nin! Welcome to this side of the blogsphere. If you have any questions feel free to give me a shout out, I'll help in any way I can. (Hugs)Indigo
I am so happy I found you here! Welcome! I look forward to visiting your blog.
Hi Ally found you....lol
Take care
ps. can you send me your full link so I can add you.
Hi Ally ,Hope I have found my way to you ..love Jeanxx
Hi Ally - Thanks for stopping by. Please visit my journal more often. I am now a follower of your blog.
Ally see my email from AOL... I don't think it's saved at all.. once AOL deletes the journal your link in your favorites will be dead :(
I think we'll eventually get used to this new place; I know there's a lot of us out here to help each other though the rough things as we learn to adapt; let me know if you need help with anything; I don't know much, but will help with what I can :)
Hello Ally - thank you for dropping by my new place. It's really a work in progress at this time. Nin looks adorable - Looking forward to our growing community and I hope that our dear friend Jon, takes our hints and follows us.
Thanks for coming by my journal and leaving a comment. That allowed me to find your blog. Cute picture. Helen
Nin looks very comfortable. :) We are all making it over and settling in. I am glad you made it over. I told Ian we are all part of a special community and we have to stick together and not lose each other in all this commotion! Love, Kelly
Hi Ally all being new it takes some sussing out and finding people.I am hoping ecveryone can find one another and we can get into some sort of routine very shortly.Happy I found you once again and well how would I be without Barney and NIN lol!! Barvey looks like I feel LOL!! Take Care God Bless Kath xx
Welcome to Blogger, Ally - bit late in following up but it's been a mad fortnight.
Hi Ally...I found you at long last and i hope your keeping well, i will be back to read your journal again, it is looking good. Best wishes...Astra!
Hello Ally,
I hope you'll be very happy here in your new home. Awww, that Nin is so gorgeous.
Luv Jaynee X
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