Sunday, 15 November 2009


Lyn and I have been out and about ~ now that the nights have started to draw in
It is really dark by 4.30pm ~ so to get the most out of the day we have to start
early ~

So I have spent much less time on the computer than I did ~
but now I seem to have a little extra time so I must get my Blog back up to date ~
I could not recount all the things we have done other than to tell you where ever
we go we seem to get lost ~ the narrow country lanes look all the same and it is
so easy to take the wrong turn ~ but somehow (I don’t know how) we find our way
back home ~

The Countryside is so beautiful at this time of the year ~ the colours on the
trees are breathtaking ~ It certainly is worthwhile just taking a drive out to see them ~
I'll try to write more next time so until then take care of yourselves ~
