Thursday, 19 March 2009

Where is Barney ??????

Barney went missing today ~ we searched the garden the workshop and all the little nooks and crannies where we though he would be ~


We eventually found him in the last place we expected he would be


Very comfortable as you can see :o)


Barney in Bed


He had found his way upstairs and made himself very comfortable in one of the beds up their ~


we were just pleased he was safe  as he does mean such a lot to us !!!!!!!!


Ally x


Thursday, 12 March 2009

The Boys helping us out with the decorating ??????

We have been busy here decorating ~ with the help of Nin and Barney

Nin and Barney helping with the decoration 001

Here's Barney guarding the dust sheets


Nin and Barney helping with the decoration 003

Barney still guarding the dust sheets


Nin and Barney helping with the decoration 005

Here's Nin assisting Barney guarding the dust sheets


Nin and Barney helping with the decoration 006


It is hard work all this Guarding business ~ I thought a Dog's life was resting all the time ~ How wrong I was !!!!


Hope to get back to Blogland when we have finished ~ still have the dining area in the kitchen to finish ~


Well I am only the Tea maker ~ but someone has got to do it :o)

